
Kitty Snuggles 4 Life | Vlogmas Day 2

Hello Friends!

I have another video up for all of you today. Today’s video features my beloved cat, Zazzles, and an awesome makeup purchase that will be featured very soon on the blog. Check it out and let me know what you think!

Until Next Time…




Tay's Blog End


Vlogmas Day 1

Well, it’s official December. I have no idea how that happened or when it happened, but somehow it did. It really is true what they say about time speeding up when you get older. Anyways, I’ve decided to participate in Vlogmas this year. For those that don’t know, it is where you put up videos every single day until Christmas. It’s very popular amongst the YouTube community, so I’m sure all your favorite YouTubers are participating in it as well. I really wanted to participate this year, because I’ve been having so much fun Vlogging here lately. I hope all of you have enjoyed it too.

I do have a BIG favor for you though! I need some awesome holiday look suggestions for me to recreate on my blog. I love doing “face of the day” posts on here and I want to do some festive looks for all of you. Let me know down below if you’d like to see a specific palette used or product used in the look. I appreciate your help so much! Also, if you want to see something specific in my vlogs like my workout or zazzle then let me know that too!

Until Next Time,




Tay's Blog End


Going Home VLOG!

My sleep schedule and blog/video is all messed up due to traveling. I’m so sorry about that. I finally have my VLOG up for y’all! I hope you love it! Be sure to check out my other awesome YouTube friends and Subscribe to their channel!! If you’d like to see more VLOGS, then be sure to let me know in the comments below!!

Let’s Be Friends



