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How to Survive a No Buy!

How To Survive a No Buy

We’ve all been there before. The dreaded “no buy” is one of the hardest things that a beauty addict will ever have to endure. I’ve put myself on a “no buy” for the past few weeks, which has been increasingly difficult with all of these holiday palette releases. I’ve had to develop some strategies to avoid breaking my “no buy” besides just avoiding  all social media sites. Check out how I successfully complete a “no buy”.

  1. Create a To-Buy List

We all drool and dream while scrolling through the Instagram feeds and YouTube Videos. It’s the inevitable curse of the beauty community. Instead of getting depressed of not being able to purchase anything, I create a list of items I want to purchase. Simply jot these items in a notebook or in the notes on your phone. Once you are done with your “no buy” you’ll already have your list made out and ready to take to the store.

2. Create a Ghost Shopping Cart

Please tell me that I’m not the only one that puts items in the cart online when they’re on a “no buy”. If not, then you need to try it like now! It may seem silly, but it’s like getting your retail therapy fix without making the commitment. I do the same thing when I’m in the store too. Sometimes you just need to feel like your purchasing items, if though you can’t.

3. Samples, Samples, and More Samples

My favorite stores to visit while on a “no buy” are Ulta and Sephora. This probably sounds absolutely insane, especially since you can’t buy anything in the stores. However, you can get samples which alleviates the itch to buy something. I always go get samples from Sephora when I’m feeling “weak”. Lol. It instantly makes me feel like I can conquer this whole “no buy”thing with no problems.

4. Create a Weekly Makeup Basket

This has been the biggest life saver during my most recent “no buy”. It makes you rediscover some amazing products that got pushed to the back of your makeup collection. I talk more in detail about the basket I created here.

5. Swatch your Life Away

Do you ever just come out of Sephora  looking like a sparkly unicorn? Well, I do every single time. I have swatches all the way up my forearm every single time. It brings me so much joy to swatch out all the of the different makeup products. I can watch reviews all day long on YouTube, but I love actually testing them out myself. It’s one of the many reasons why I hate shopping online.

I hope you’ve enjoyed my “no buy” survival tips. I would love to know some of your tips down below in the comments.

Until Next Time…





Snapchat: taylorholley10

Tay's Blog End

8 thoughts on “How to Survive a No Buy!”

  1. I’ve got a crazy long to-buy list at the minute! I also do the ghost shopping cart thing. I just can’t let myself physically enter any shops, it’s just too hard to resist!

  2. This list tells me one thing: I have no will power. All of these things would just cause me to break haha. I’ve got to literally leave my wallet at home, it’s terrible.

    1. hahahaha!! I’ve developed quite a large will power over the past couple of months. I mean the last makeup item i’ve purchased is the Lorac Mega Pro 2?!? I just have entirely too many items that I need to use, because my vanity is literally busting out the seams!

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