
Day 10: What’s inside your makeup bag?


This has to be one of my favorite challenges. The funny thing is that I don’t actually carry makeup, but instead a lot of lipsticks. Here’s a picture of what’s in my make up bag…

makeup bag

Here’s some of my lip products from left to right…

  1. Vanilla Mint Mentha Lip Shine from Bath and Body Works
  2. Mentha Lip Shine from Bath and Body Works
  3. Cake Batter Chapstick
  4. Cherry Tart Revlon Lip Butter
  5. Red Velvet Revlon Lip Butter
  6. Berry Smoothie Revlon Lip Butter
  7. Sweet Tart Revlon Lip Butter
  8. Ruby Woo Matte Mac Lipstick
  9. Tea Rose NYX Creamy Lipstick
  10. Striking Revlon Colorburst Matte Balm
  11. Pucker Up Lipfusion Infatuation
  12. Vanilla Cream Pie NYX Butter Gloss
  13. Pink Lemonade ELF Luscious Liquid Lipstick
  14. Rosetto Rimmel by Kate

As you can tell, I really LOVE revlon lip butters. They aren’t sticky at all and make my lips feel so moisturized. I also really love the Mentha Lip Shine glosses are toppers from some of my matte lipsticks. What’s in your own makeup bag?

Put a picture in the comments to show me!
